

Love: The only thing you get more of the more you give it away.
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5 ways to reduce anxiety FAST

As we are moving into the holiday season, anxiety levels are going up. We are bombarded with invitations, flooded with offers to buy more stuff, days are getting shorter, and it feels like there never is enough time. Maybe you find yourself saying yes, when you want to say no, and then, the overwhelm sets in. Self -care is of the utmost importance during this time.

If you look at nature, you will see that Autumn is a time for releasing, Winter a time to rest, Spring a time for renewal and planting seeds, and Summer a time to harvest and abundance. Each season is needed in the cycle of life. Each season is valuable. And while my preferred season is definitely summer, my intention has been to align with the seasons, honor them, and enjoy what they have to offer.

So instead of being in a constant state of productivity, honor your rest, your self-care, and know that seeds can only be planted in the dark. Below are 5 ways that instantly reduce anxiety levels, to help support you in this beautiful holiday season.

1. Focus on your breath

Taking as little as 5 deep belly breath can instantaneously calm you down. Filling up the lungs and flooding the body with oxygen will make you feel so much better. We often spend a whole day without a conscious breath. When our breath is unconscious, it is often shallow and short. If you want a little more, try to use an essential oil (any oil that calls to you work, I like peppermint). Put a few drops in your palm, rub your palms together, and rub any excess on your chest, neck, and shoulders. Maybe even your temples, if you feel a headache coming on. Find a comfortable seat, either sitting on a chair with your feet firmly planted and your spine tall, or cross-legged on the floor. Hold your hands out in front of you belly, cupping your hands to make a bowl. Taking 3 deep breaths, on each inhale, bring your hands up to your face, and on the exhale, lower them back down. If you still want more, close the eyes and keep your focus on your breath. Count your inhale to about a 4 count, and your exhale to a 5 or 6 count. The longer exhale will calm the body and nervous system, lower your heart rate, and leave you feeling calm and relaxed.

2. Move your body

When we feel anxious, depressed, stressed or in the dumps, often the last thing we want to do is move. We feel lethargic or maybe feel like we do not have time to move. Overwrite those inner voices! Movement is medicine, and even as little as 5 minutes of stretching can make a world of a difference. If your energy levels are low, try something energizing or activating, like a high intensity workout, dancing, running, or anything else that gets the blood flowing and gets you out of your rut. Be sure to follow up with a grounding exercise, to integrate the energy you have created. If you are feeling nervous, anxious, or restless, try a soothing activity like a Slow Flow, Yin or Restorative Yoga class, meditation, or a few minutes of stretching. When we release tension from the body, we also alleviate tension in the mind! Whatever activity you choose, tune into the body, get out of your head, and into your heart. Focus on the sensations, the feelings in your body as you move, stretch, or shake. Try to stay present as much as possible, not anticipating or worrying about what is next.

3. Go out in nature

There is nothing more calming and soothing than fresh air and nature. You can choose to go to your favorite place out in nature, or even just right outside your office or a walk in the neighborhood. Practice your mindfulness during your walk. Start to walk slowly first, keeping your awareness inward. Check in with you feel, your breath, and your thoughts. Then shift your awareness to the external world, focusing on your feet hitting the ground, the temperature, any smells, or sounds, the wind on your skin. Next, look around you, notice and name (either aloud or in your mind) any colors you see, shapes, textures, animals, trees etc. While you walk, keep your breath deep and smooth. For 5 rounds of breath, lift your arms over head on the inhale, open mouth exhale as you lower the arms back down. Take at least 10 minutes, up to an hour or more for your walk.

4. Screen free time

Schedule a tech break. For me, the first 30-60 minutes of the day and 30-60 minutes before bed work are the most important. If you want more, you could also schedule specific times during the day for your tech time, rather than scheduling breaks. I use an app called Moment to track my screen time on my phone. There is a free and a paid version. It shows your overall screen time, you can set reminders or warnings when you are close to your daily allotted screen time, and many more functions. It helps to keep me accountable and aware of how much time I spend on my phone. Starting my day off with screen free time helps to get me grounded and put me in the right mindset for the day, rather than flooding my brain the minute I wake up. I usually get up and sit down for a meditation right away. 10 to 20 minutes. Next, I have a cup of coffee outside in the yard with my dog when the weather is nice, or go on a short walk around the block with her, when the weather is not so nice. Getting some fresh air right away helps me jump start my day. Alternatively, when it is pouring and neither me or my dog want to go outside, I get on my mat for 10 minutes of gentle movement. Loosening up my muscles helps me feel relaxed and energized. A minimum of 30 minutes screen free time before bed helps me to prepare for sleep. I go on another short walk with my dog, do some stretching, and then enjoy my skincare routine with my favorite products before bed. Pampering myself a bit before bed helps me feel fresh, clean, and peaceful and prepares me for rest. For the past 4 months, I’ve been using FRÉ skincare, and absolutely love it. I love the simplicity of their 3 step skincare set, as I am rather lazy when it comes to beauty, and have always struggled with keeping up with a routine. The simple 3 step routine helps me feel and look beautiful, without investing much time. After my skincare routine, I love using my lavender eye pillow while I lie in bed and go to sleep. I make sure I get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to allow my body to rest and recover.

5. Gratitude 

Gratitude is the FASTEST way to raise your vibration and feel more joyful, loving, and at ease. This is available to you at any moment! Make a sincere list in your mind or on paper of 3 things you are grateful for in that moment. It does not have to be anything major. It could be something as simple as “I am grateful for being alive and healthy.” “I am grateful that I have clothes on my body and food in my belly.” No matter how stressed you are or how bad things seem, there is always something to be grateful for. The important part is to be sincere, and not just to name something to name something. Allow yourself to feel grateful for whatever it is you are expressing. I like to start my day off with a gratitude list. I personal use my own journal, but I really love the 5 Minute Journal as well.

I hope you find these tips helpful, and can incorporate one or more into your day, to keep you feeling balanced and joyful throughout the holiday season. I would love to hear your feedback in the comments.

With love from my heart to yours.



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