

Love: The only thing you get more of the more you give it away.
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3 ways to beat the Winter Blues

I know it is not officially winter until next week, and yet I already feel the winter blues kicking in. Feeling low in energy and sluggish, craving junk and comfort food, not wanting to move, and needing a lot more sleep. I am sure I’m not alone in this, so I want to share with you 3 ways you can lift your mood and energy levels immediately! 

Before I share my 3 tips, though, I want to acknowledge the season. We are moving from Fall into Winter, and if you observe nature, you notice that there is less daylight, it is the season of death and letting things go, and also the season to slow down. This can be challenging with all of the holiday responsibilities and opportunities to gather and give. Don’t forget to give to yourself first! Honor your rest, fill up your own cup first, and then give from the surplus. Take some time to reflect, time for introspection, for stillness, and cozy up in your favorite knits and blankets. Know that it is OK to say NO (reminder to myself), and to change your mind and cancel plans (try to be courteous and give ample notice). 

Here are 3 ways that help me feel better and have more energy during the darker, colder months:

1. Get outside

It seems simple enough, and yet the last thing we want to do most days is go outside. It is cold, we just want to lounge around on the couch and eat cookies. But make a commitment for the next 30 days to go outside for a minimum of 15 minutes a day. If you can, make it 30. Take a walk with your furry friend, loved one, or solo. Practice mindfulness. Leave the phone at home! Notice the temperature (bundle up if you’re in a cold climate), pay attention to the plants and animals around you, the sounds, colors, textures. Be fully present in the moment. Take deep belly breaths to get all the good fresh air into your system. When you come home, a nice hot cup of herbal tea, fuzzy socks, or a hot bath will feel extra good.

2. Eat fresh 

It is ok to indulge in comfort food and junk food. To add a few extra pounds over the winter. But don’t let it escalate. When we eat a lot of processed food, it drains our energy and makes us tired, because our body has to work overtime to digest and detox. We crave comfort food because we are low in energy, and all it does is drain us more. So eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies to supplement your comfort food diet. Start your day with a smoothie or cold pressed juice to get the nutrients you need. Snack on some fruits high in vitamin C (I am loving tangerines and pineapple right now) or raw veggies with your favorite dip. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. The winter can get dry with all that heat going in the house, and if you are like me, you might struggle with drinking water when it’s cold. So make yourself a nice pot of herbal tea instead.

3. Move your body 

Even a few minutes of movement will get your stuck energy flowing again. Turn on your favorite song and have a dance party, get on your mat, sign up for a cycling class with your friend. Whatever type of movement you enjoy, do that! While restorative yoga is great, soothing, and seemingly perfect for the winter months, add in a little cardio as well. You will be glad you did! Find a friend to keep each other accountable. For some reason, we are much more likely to quit on ourselves than another person! 

What are your favorite ways to beat the winter blues? Would love to read in the comments below! 



  • Sandra Chandia
    December 12, 2018 at 8:55 pm

    My favorite way to beat the winter blues is “light therapy” the gloomy skies get to me, but putting on the lights on the Christmas tree or even the ones in the front yard. I love listening to Christmas music or calming piano solos during this time, snuggle up with my daughter and fur baby, watch Christmas movies or love movies that make me feel warm inside and enjoy an extra dose of togetherness <3

    • Marina
      December 13, 2018 at 1:28 am

      Awe!!! All such great ways to beat the winter blues! Thank you for sharing!! <3

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